Lore: In a world where humans have been killed by hordes of slimes. The earth has solely become a world of slimes, but as all things in nature where there is a imbalance there will be balance. Cat's have now mutated to gain power from killing and devouring.

Controls: WAD, or UpLeftRight, where jumping can be done by Space or W or Up

About: This was my first game jam and first time doing anything Godot. I am proud of what I was able to throw together in 6 days! I did everything solo because I didn't want to let a team down. My next game jam I'm hoping to work with a team so I can spend more time being a dev then my brain telling my hand to create a cat and getting blobs. Thanks for spending any and all time reading and playing this means a bunch!

Credits: Everything was me except the cat art, that was found here  https://bowpixel.itch.io/one-cat I then edited it to fit my game a bit more.

TimeCut Cut's: Well there were a bunch of things I failed to add intime things like a UI or a timer and things that would be real nice to have. The things I regret not being able to figure out was a feature where as the user hid from the slimes they would have a chance to combine with each other. This would then scale damage and increase size of the slime. Another major regret is not adding a leveling system for the cat.

Overall I learned a bunch about being a gamedev through this experience and  would like to thank @Cyber_Ghostie and @efe for hosting this jam and providing an amazing oppuurrrrtunity! im a bit punny ;p

Published 2 days ago
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Singleplayer

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